Guest Post by Jessica Gibson


I’m hosting a guest post today by Jessica Gibson, the author of “Mark of the Witch” and “Chasing the Witch”, two paranormal romance novels. Thank you for appearing on my blog, Jessica.

Guest Post

First I just want to say thank you to Mira for having me on your awesome blog today! Today I’m going to talk about books, all sorts, in lots of different genres!

I began my love affair with books when I was 8 years old when my mom gave me a copy of The Wizard of Oz by Frank Baum. My eyes were opened to a whole new world of imagination. From that point on, I devoured any book that came my way. My mom used to laugh because I had gone through all the major series’ they had out for kids by the time I was 10. I ended up having to move on to adult fiction.

Mary Higgins Clark was the first author I gravitated towards in the adult fiction genre, and to be honest with you, I still read her stuff to this day. Her books would keep me up late into the night reading. They always had twists and turns I never would see coming. I think I blew through all of the books she had out in half a year.

I quickly moved on to Nora Roberts and Danielle Steele and found that I really liked romance books. I would sit and read for hours, crying my eyes out a lot of the time because those books tend to be sad. I’m still a sucker for a good romance, I love to get lost in a love story.

After all the romance, I moved on to a bit of horror with Stephen King. The first book of his that I had read was It. At that point, I shared a room with my mom, and let me tell you, I was glad to have her next to me in the room. That book terrified me within the first few pages, but I couldn’t seem to stop reading it. I can’t tell you how many nights I stayed up way too late reading one of Stephen King’s books, too afraid to sleep, but not terrified enough to stop reading.

Anne Rice was next for me, I delved into her world of vampires and I never looked back. Each new book was better and better for me. I had returned to the realm of fantasy, my first love. For me, I enjoyed that Anne’s vampires were actual vampires. They drank blood, they killed, and they were sometimes scary.

From there I moved on to Harry Potter. What’s funny about that is that my dad was the one who told me I needed to read them. At that point he had been travelling a lot for work, and he picked up the books while he was in London and loved them. So, I dove right in and I loved it, he was so right, they were fantastic

So that’s me in a nutshell 🙂 What books or authors do you love? What inspired your love of reading?

What a great question! The books I enjoyed the most when I was growing up were Harry Potter and books by Anthony Horowitz. When I was older, it were Anne Rice’s books that got me into reading. What about you?

About Chasing The Witch

????????????????????????????????????????Title: Chasing The Witch

Author: Jessica Gibson

Genre: Paranormal Romance

After the events of Mark of the Witch, Jilly at last begins to breathe easier though her powers are still growing. But can she harness them in time to confront a new chain of events that threatens to change everything?

Caroline has finally accepted her life as a witch, but when a stranger comes into her life she’s forced to question her family loyalty.

The sisters are thrown together to protect a young girl from the enemy determined to hunt her down. Can they save her — and themselves?

 Author Bio

154629_10151235773585896_198368657_nJessica Gibson is a recovering bookaholic, she’s down from four books a week to a more reasonable one. It was that love of words and creativity that made her dream about writing her first book. That dream was hidden for years, always put on the back burner, filed away in the “someday” section, until her husband Matt gave her the kick in the pants she needed to actually get off her butt and write.

Jessica and Matt live in Southern California and have a serious addiction to reality tv shows like Pawn Stars and American Restoration. They have one son and hope to add to the family in the near future.

Aside from writing, she runs an online event planning business called the Release Day Diva. In addition to novels, Jessica writes and maintains the blog Book on the Bright Side. Keep up with Jessica and her latest releases and events on her blog.



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1 Response to Guest Post by Jessica Gibson

  1. Thanks so much for having me on your blog!!!

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